Free Download Sexy Mythical beast Stories: My lovely slaughter lizard

  • ID: RJ01207801
  • Author/サークル名: Little Huntress Team
  • Released/販売日: 2024年06月06日 0時

Description / 説明

Argus a warrior who want to catch and tame an animal compenion. He find a dangerous little creature, a slaughter lizard. She and Argus bond quickly grow as they do sexy things with each other. Maybe she grow in size quickly after they meet, but she still the cute lizard who just want to make it's master happy... and eat his delicious cooking.

A short visual novel with a cute feral lizard girl inclouding 17.

(English product description provided by the creator.)

  • Серб Avatar
    Серб - 1 month ago
    Good game

