Free Download Juicy Panic 1

  • ID: RJ01159000
  • Author/サークル名: Icy Nut
  • Released/販売日: 2024年02月27日 0時

Description / 説明

Juicy Panic

Welcome to Juicy Panic!

This is a game where you are an experimental slime creation
of a crazed professor, that escapes a laboratory.

You're tasked with escaping the lab and returning there
to get revenge on the professor and the "Queen"
that ordered your creation.

You will be journeying through grasslands,
fighting a well trained, hardened squad of the "Knights"...
Will you be able to conquer your way through them and get stronger?

You will be fighting through knights and absorbing their juices.
Hit them with your slime secretion and defeat them.

Start on your adventure and remind them what you're made of...

(English product description provided by the creator.)

  • James Manoel Albuquerque Dos Santos Avatar
    James Manoel Albuquerque Dos Santos - 1 month ago

