Free Download Phantom Thief Sylphy 2

  • ID: RJ01075006
  • Author/サークル名: AzureZero
  • Released/販売日: 2023年11月20日 16時

Description / 説明





繁殖の神殿 - このシナリオはオリジナル版と最も酷似。

オフィス - シルフィはエッチなサービス係としてオフィスで働く。社長のキーカードを盗む方法を考え、地下に潜む秘密を発見しなければならない。

プッシー・キャット・クラブ - シルフィはサイバーパンク・ストリップクラブのストリッパー。彼女はどんな手を使ってでもVIPラウンジにアクセスし、ダンス、ファック。成功する為にビッチな道へ・・・。

RPG - シルフィは、このファンタジーRPGの設定で強力な呪文を持つ魔女に扮する。レベルアップし冒険の果てにある闇を倒す力を手に入れよう。


Azurezero presents! The long awaited sequel to Phantom Thief Sylphy

Our titular busty phantom thief finds herself trapped in the domain of the collector, a Demon known for his love of collecting women. They challenge Sylphy to delve into 4 scenarios designed to tempt and torment her and return untainted.

Will she escape? or become another member of The Collector's harem.

Only you can decide…

Each scenario has it's own unique setting and gameplay style

The Temple of Breeding – This scenario most closely resembles the original game's gameplay, sylphy has to sneak into the temple's restricted areas to steal a treasure

The Office – Sylphy finds herself working in an office as a sexual service attendant and has to figure out how to steal the president's keycard and discover what secrets lurk in the basement.

The Pussy Cat Club – Sylphy is a stripper at a cyberpunk strip club. She has to gain access to the VIP lounge by any means necessary, dancing, fucking and generally slutting her way to success.

The RPG – Sylphy fancies herself a witch with many powerful spells in this Fantasy RPG Setting. Level up and gain the power to defeat the darkness that lies at the end of her adventure.

The scenario's can be challenged in any order.

The Live2D animation can be memory intensive, so please confirm compatability with the demo.

(English product description provided by the creator.)

  • xforce Avatar
    xforce - 3 days ago

