Free Download The Experiment
- ID: RJ01192329
- Author/サークル名: AVS3D
- Released/販売日: 2024年05月08日 0時
Description / 説明
The Experiment
The Maestro's biotech lab has created a clone of Ashley to further study her after the Game of Death experiment, but it would turn out that Ashley's special gene could not be replicated perfectly. Instead, what was produced was a mutated form of this gene. It would later be discovered through genealogic and DNA tests that Emi, one of Letoya's best fighters, also has this mutated form of the gene that the Maestro seeks. Thus a clone of Emi was also created, and would be pitted against the cloned Ashley - since both have the same alternate form of the Coveted Gene, it's now to be seen which one is the better fighter, and how the outcome of this fight translates into the Maestro's plan to create his desired enhanced human species.
(English product description provided by the creator.)
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