●エイミー (Amy)
かなり冷静で外向的な女の子で、リビング ルームでヨガをするのが大好きです。彼女の新しいルームメイトがまもなく到着する予定です。うまくいけば、彼らは仲良くなれるでしょう
日本語 CV: Suika Riko
オリジナル 英語 CV: Baku Satsu

Free Download ベネフィットシップ / Benefitship
- ID: RJ01089306
- Author/サークル名: RFHGames
- Released/販売日: 2024年12月24日 16時
Description / 説明
日本語で利用可能です / Available in English and Japanese with full voice acting in both languages.
A friends-with-benefits visual novel, telling the erotic and wholesome slice-of-life story of a futanari and her new female roommate.
A pretty chill and extroverted woman, who loves doing yoga in the living room.
Her new roommate will be arriving shortly. Hopefully they'll be able to get along.
English VA: Baku Satsu
Japanese VA: Suika Riko
The concerning combination of being both extremely introverted and constantly horny.
Unbeknownst to her new roommate, she's also a futanari, with everything that entails.
English VA: Gina Galore
Japanese VA: Kana Iino
(English product description provided by the creator.)
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